
Discovery engine for small molecule modulators of disordered targets

Our science

Nuage Therapeutics mission is to leverage chemical biology and biomolecular condensation to develop selective drugs targeting proteins with disordered regions for challenging indications to improve patient’s life

Our team

Xavier Salvatella

Xavier Salvatella


Mateusz Biesaga

Mateusz Biesaga


Denes Hnisz

Denes Hnisz


Judit Anido

Judit Anido

Founder & CEO

Pilar Casado

Pilar Casado

Chief Financial Officer

Jordina Guillén

Jordina Guillén

Head of Science

Andri Leonidou

Andri Leonidou

Head of BI & Corp. Affairs

Alessandra Bartolozzi

Alessandra Bartolozzi

Head of Medicinal Chemistry

Board of Directors

Clara Campàs

Clara Campàs

Board member

Xavier Salvatella

Xavier Salvatella

Board member

Maina Bhaman

Maina Bhaman

Board member

Judit Anido

Judit Anido

Board member

Nuage Therapeutics scientific founders publish new research in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology

December 4, 2023

Nuage Therapeutics raises €12M in Seed Financing led by Sofinnova Partners and Asabys

June 21, 2023

Nuage Therapeutics appoints biotech entrepreneur and executive Judit Anido as CEO

May 10, 2022

Nuage Therapeutics, the spin-off from IRB Barcelona and ICREA is launched with the support of Asabys

September 28, 2021

Private investors:

This company is invested by Innvierte, an investment program of CDTI, E.P.E.

Project grants:

  • Nuage Therapeutics ha sido beneficiaria de un proyecto subvencionado por el CDTI con la colaboración del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea–NextGenerationEU Número de expediente SNEO-20222145
  • Grant PTQ2021-011994 and PTQ2021-011961 awarded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033


Job opening for Laboratory Technician (cell biology) at Nuage Therapeutics

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Job opening for Laboratory Technician (assay development and protein purification) at Nuage Therapeutics

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Get in touch

Parc Científic de Barcelona 
c/ Baldiri Reixac 4-8 (Torre I)
08028 Barcelona

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